Choosing your perfect Power Chair

 Choosing the perfect Power Chair for your mobility needs can be a daunting task, but at Affordable Medical USA, we’re here to help. We have the knowledge, experience, and resources to guide you through the myriad of types, models, and functions of the various Power Chairs available to find the one that best suits you.

Power Chair can be divided into three basic types: Full Size chair, Travel chairs, and Unique hybrids.

Full Size Chairs
Travel Chairs
Unique Hybrids
Full Size Power Chairs offer the Ultimate in Comfort

If you are a full time user of your power chair, a Full Size power chair is the choice for you. The Full Size power chair offers more extended drive ranges and higher top speeds for cruising the neighborhood. Most Full Size power chairs also offer a high back captains seat, with some offering your choice of the captains seat or the solid pan seat if you want to add an optional cushion.

The Full Size power chair does not fold down or offer a quick disassembly option, so traveling with one of these will require a wheelchair lift or modified van for travel. They also have a larger footprint than most Travel chairs, so be sure to check the specifications on the chair you choose to make sure it will work in your environment.

Jazzy® EVO 613 Power Chair
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Reclaim Your World: Power Wheelchairs from Affordable Medical Equipment

Imagine a world where limitations fade away. Where bustling city streets, serene park paths, and even your own home become portals to endless possibilities. Where independence is not a dream, but a daily reality. This is the world unlocked by power wheelchairs from Affordable Medical Equipment, your gateway to reconnecting with life and embracing every adventure. Power wheelchairs, also known as power chairs, have revolutionized the way individuals with mobility issues can navigate their surroundings. These innovative devices provide a sense of freedom and independence, allowing people to venture out on their own terms.

At Affordable Medical Equipment, we understand the importance of choosing the right electric wheelchair to meet individual needs and preferences. With our extensive inventory of top brands and models, we offer a wide range of options that cater to various requirements. Let's explore the benefits of electric wheelchairs and how they can significantly improve the lives of seniors, adults, and individuals with disabilities.

More Than Mobility, A Reclaimed Life:

For many, individuals with mobility challenges, the ability to move around easily and comfortably is of the utmost importance, navigating daily life can feel like an obstacle course. Whether it is overcoming physical limitations, dealing with accessibility challenges, or simply yearning for newfound freedom, electric wheelchairs offer a transformative solution. Power wheelchairs provide a practical and efficient solution, allowing users to regain their independence and freedom. They are not just about mobility; they are about reclaiming your independence, dignity, and the power to write your own story. Whether it's a trip to the grocery store, a visit to the park, or simply maneuvering within the confines of one's own home, power wheelchairs offer a newfound sense of mobility.

Just picture yourself:

  • Conquering the grocery aisles with ease, leaving behind the reliance on others and rediscovering the joy of independent shopping.
  • Exploring bustling city streets or serene park paths, the wind in your hair and the world opening before you.
  • Visiting loved ones without relying on help, strengthening connections, and cherishing precious moments.
  • Embracing spontaneous adventures, knowing your electric wheelchair empowers you to say "yes" to life's opportunities.
  • Power wheelchairs at Affordable Medical Equipment are more than just tools; they are keys to unlocking a world of possibilities, a world where limitations transform into boundless adventures.

Comfort And Convenience Are Our Hallmark:

Getting around should be effortless, not exhausting. That is why we prioritize comfort and convenience in every electric wheelchair we offer. Our commitment to quality ensures that all our products are certified brand new and come with a full manufacturer's warranty. We understand that everyone has unique needs and preferences, which is why we offer a diverse selection to cater to every requirement.

Features Like:

  • Adjustable seating and ergonomic armrests: Ensuring a perfect fit for your body and maximizing comfort during every journey.
  • Intuitive controls: Navigating with ease and confidence, making every trip a breeze.
  • Portability options: Foldable models and lightweight designs let you take your freedom wherever you go, be it a weekend getaway or a spontaneous outing.

Say goodbye to cumbersome, restrictive mobility aids. At Affordable Medical Equipment, we believe power wheelchairs should enhance your life, not limit it.

Claiming Your Chariot: Finding Your Perfect Match

Choosing the right power chair is an intimate journey, like finding the ideal travel companion. At Affordable Medical Equipment, we are not just peddlers of machines but guides on this quest for freedom. We'll listen to your dreams, understand your needs, and pair you with the perfect companion – be it a majestic full-size throne, a nimble travel ninja, or a shapeshifting hybrid that bends to your every whim.

How To Choose the Perfect Ride for You

Gone are the days of clunky chariots confining you to the sidelines. Power chairs have become sleek extensions of ourselves, opening doors to boundless possibilities. But navigating the world of these motorized marvels can feel like deciphering an ancient text – boring descriptions and endless options! Fear not, intrepid explorer, for we are here to crack the code and unveil the distinct tribes of power chairs, waiting to be claimed as your perfect partner in adventure.


 1. Full-Size Chairs: The Throne of Comfort

Think of full-size power chairs as the sturdy galleons of this motorized fleet. Imagine spacious thrones, adjustable armrests that cradle your elbows like loyal lieutenants, and tires that conquer both cobblestone alleys and plush carpets with equal aplomb. These are the chariots of comfort, ideal for those who value stability and want to roam both indoors and outdoors like fearless captains of their destiny. Their larger frames and enhanced features make them a popular choice for users seeking a comprehensive and comfortable mobility solution.

2. Travel Chairs: The Wanderer’s wagon

For the restless souls who crave spontaneity, travel chairs are the sprightly ninjas of the power chair world. They fold like origami wonders, fitting snugly into trunks or even airplanes, ready to whisk you from bustling city streets to sun-drenched beaches. They may be compact, but do not underestimate their punch – these nimble heroes pack enough features to keep you zipping around with a grin. The Merits EZ-Go Compact Power Wheelchair is one such product in which you can go where you want to and have your chair at your side when you're ready to use it. These chairs are perfect for users on the go, providing convenience during travel without sacrificing essential features.

3. Hybrid Power: The Versatile Shapeshifters for Unbound Spirits

But what if your heart craves both the expansive comfort of a full-size chair and the nimble freedom of a travel one? Enter the ingenious hybrids – chameleons of the power chair kingdom. These clever contraptions seamlessly blend the best of both worlds, morphing to your needs like a trusty sidekick. Want to explore a bustling market? Unfold your chariot's expansive form. Craving a cozy movie night? Tuck it tight and navigate your living room fortress with ease. These models combine the best features of full-size and travel chairs, offering a versatile solution that adapts to various environments and user preferences. Miracle Mobility 4N1 is a powerful hybrid chair.

Explore Without Limits, Conquer Any Terrain:

The world is your oyster with Affordable Medical Equipment's power wheelchairs. We offer a variety of models designed to tackle any terrain, from smooth city streets to gentle inclines and even rougher paths. Here are some of our key Features and Considerations.

When choosing an electric wheelchair, there are several key features and considerations to keep in mind. These factors can impact the user's experience and overall satisfaction with the product. Let's explore some of the essential features to consider when selecting an electric wheelchair:

1. Portability and Travel-Friendly Design

Portability is a crucial factor for individuals who lead an active lifestyle or frequently travel. Electric wheelchairs come in many sizes and weights, allowing users to find a model that suits their specific needs. Lightweight and foldable designs make it easier to transport and assemble the wheelchair, ensuring convenience and ease of use. The Golden Cricket and the Pride Jazzy Carbon are a perfect match for such requirements.

2. Tire Type: Air Filled, Solid, Or Foam Filled

The type of tires on an electric wheelchair can significantly impact its performance on different terrains. Air-filled tires provide a smoother ride and a better grip, absorbing shocks and bumps along the way. Solid tires offer durability and are puncture-proof, making them ideal for everyday use. Foam-filled tires strike a balance between comfort and convenience, offering a comfortable ride without the need for maintenance.

3. Assembled Weight

The assembled weight of an electric wheelchair plays a crucial role in its maneuverability and ease of use. Lighter weight scooters are easier to transport and handle, making them an excellent choice for individuals who may have limited strength or assistance. The New Golden BuzzABout Super Portable Power Wheelchair- Model GB-164 is a Super Portable Power Wheelchair from Golden Technologies which provides quick, fast, easy disassembly with the heaviest section only 33 pounds.

4. Turning Radius

The turning radius of an electric wheelchair determines how easily it can navigate tight corners and confined spaces. A smaller turning radius allows for greater maneuverability, ensuring smooth operation even in narrow hallways or crowded areas. Just like the LITERIDER ENVY LT POWER CHAIR has an impressive 28.5” turning radius, making it perfect for indoor or outdoor use, and offers an operating range of up to 7.25 miles on two 12V 18AH batteries.

5. Ground Clearance

Ground clearance refers to the space between the base of the tire and the undercarriage of the electric wheelchair. This factor is particularly important for outdoor use, as a higher ground clearance prevents damage to the bottom of the scooter. For stability and a smooth ride, a low ground clearance is ideal for indoor use.

6. Maximum Recommended Incline

The maximum recommended incline indicates the degree of incline that an electric wheelchair can safely climb. This consideration is essential when navigating outdoor sidewalks or ramps. It ensures that the wheelchair can handle various terrains and provides a safe and secure experience for the user. The WHILL Fi - Smart Technology with a Foldable Design is a great power wheelchair for those looking for lightweight, fast, and easy foldability as well as being compact enough for convenient storage in a trunk or the closet of your home.


Easy Navigation: Website As Well As Real Life

At Affordable Medical Equipment, we believe your power chair journey should be as smooth as your ride. That is why we have built a magical portal, a website where you can filter your way to the ideal companion. Imagine it like a treasure map, marked with checkboxes and sliders that let you:

  • Size up your chair: Full-size for maximum comfort, travel-sized for nimble adventures, or a cunning hybrid that bends to your every whim? Choose your ideal chariot size!
  • Pick your color palette: Do you crave a sleek black panther, a sunshine-yellow ray of joy, or a cool, ocean-blue explorer? We have a color spectrum to match your inner adventurer.
  • Find your strength: From lightweight ninjas to sturdy fortresses, choose a weight capacity that matches your needs and lets you conquer any terrain.
  • Pick your power: Joystick experts? Grip control veterans? We've got drive systems for every preference, ensuring your journey flows effortlessly.
  • Chart your course: How far do your wanderlust dreams stretch? Filter by operating range and find the power chair that fuels your every exploration.

Peace Of Mind Comes Standard

Your safety and security are paramount. That is why all our electric wheelchairs are brand new and come with full manufacturer's warranties, guaranteeing top-notch quality and reliable performance. Rest assured, knowing your electric wheelchair is built to last and prioritizes your safety allows you to focus on enjoying the journey, not worrying about limitations.

Investing In Yourself, Investing in Freedom: Treasures at Every Price Point

An electric wheelchair is more than just a mobility device; it is an investment in your independence, your comfort, and your ability to embrace life to the fullest. At Affordable Medical Equipment, we are committed to making this investment accessible. We offer a diverse selection of electric wheelchairs at various price points, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your needs and budget. Your quest for freedom should not be bogged down by worries. That is why at Affordable Medical Equipment, we offer a treasure trove of power chairs at prices that sing sweet music to your ears. From $1299 to $5412, you will find the perfect partner for your budget, one that won't break the bank but unlocks a world of possibilities.

The LiteRider Envy LT Power Chair is a pocket-friendly option. This competitive pricing ensures that individuals from various economic backgrounds can experience the freedom and independence our products offer.

Beyond The Purchase: Your Journey Supported

Your power chair should not be just a purchase, but a trusted companion on your journey. That is why we go beyond the sale and offer:

  • Rentals: Take a test drive before committing! Rent a power chair and experience its magic firsthand before making your final decision.
  • Repair services: Life happens, and bumps along the road are inevitable. Our expert repair team is here to mend your trusty steed and keep you rolling through life's adventures.
    In A Nutshell

Browse our extensive collection, explore features and specifications, and let our expert team assist you in finding the perfect electric wheelchair. Every model is a gateway to rediscovering your independence and writing a new chapter of freedom in your life.

Ready to break free from limitations and reclaim your world? So, cast off your limitations and prepare to chart a course towards a boundless adventure. Let the world tremble under the rumble of your chosen chariot, for the power to reclaim your independence and explore like never before is now at your fingertips. Contact us today and take the first step towards boundless possibilities!

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