It is really exciting to be a part of an industry that is trending up; improving lives significantly; focusing on improving the lives of seniors and those with mobility challenges. In just the last year and a half we have seen dramatic changes in the tools, devices, and enhancements to improve mobility. At the beginning of 2023 Pride Mobility introduced their Jazzy Carbon and Golden Technologies introduced their Cricket. Both of these fold-down power chair models utilize carbon technology and the latest, lightweight manufacturing techniques to produce a powered wheelchair weighing under 50 lbs. and carrying weights up to 300 lbs. It was a game changer! They are easily transportable and work superbly in indoor and a number of outdoor situations. Pride and Golden have since introduced the Pursuit 2 and the Eagle, respectively. Both bigger, heavier duty models designed to go virtually anywhere on any type of terrain.

Whill, manufacturer of the famous Power Wheelchair Ci, is preparing to launch their award-winning RI Urban Three Wheel Mobility Scooter this summer. Scaled to be the Tesla of scooters, the RI will be fully waterproof and have a dual motor system for extremely tight turning. The battery will be FAA-approved for all travel and will have easy disassembly for easy loading into the vehicle. Unlike other fold-down scooters, the RI will have a swivel seat and adjustable arms for height and width preferences. It will have two baskets and tie-downs for bus travel. It has ample leg room and advanced anti-tip technology via an independent stabilizer system that will provide the best ever assurances against tipping. The Whill RI will be engineered with the highest quality bearings, motors, and other components to ensure reliability and a long life. What this tells us is that people are enjoying life more, regardless of age or challenge. They are going out, going places, spending money, taking trips, visiting far off friends and family and they are willing to pay for it. Manufactures are upping their game because they see the demand. More than just seeing it, their data shows them that people want better equipment and are willing to pay for it. This is great news all around and this trend will continue as people are living longer and living better. This month we want to talk about the new GP303 Ally Power Wheelchair from Golden Technologies. Golden did a soft launch this month and we have already sold out of all they sent us. This new power wheelchair is so revolutionary that we wanted to share it with you before it is even officially launched.

Compact Design

Like many of the power folding wheelchairs of the last couple of years, the Golden GP303 does fold down. But it also locks bringing a new dimension to the folding powerchair market. It is 10-15% heavier than other folding chairs but the fact that it locks means you can focus solely on handling the weight as compared to handling weight in addition to keeping the unit together and not separating. It’s a nice add-on. It folds to about the size of a small suitcase, 18”x27”x23”, and weighs 50 lbs with the battery removed. That is the same weight as many of today’s wheelchairs and the GP303 Ally is much easier to handle. It will easily fit in the smallest of vehicles. At 23” wide it easily glides through any doorway.


The GP303 Ally takes folding power wheelchair comfort to a new level. An 18”x16” luxuriously upholstered seat is amazingly comfortable and relaxing to sit and ride in. We can tell you just from an observation standpoint that people look more relaxed, at ease in the Ally. The footrest has a better positioned angle improving the ergonomics of sitting in the chair. The footrest is height adjustable which is another first for folding power wheelchairs. It has a beautiful leather trim armrest and 10” pneumatic rear tires which deliver a smoother and more comfortable ride. The Ally will accommodate weights up to 330 lbs.


The 10” pneumatic rear wheels free you to get through more types of terrain than typical foam filled or sold tires allow. Now you can cruise your rose garden or your yard in comfort and confidence that you are not going to get stuck or experience rear wheel spin. The new grid design of the GP 303 tires also assists in making different terrains easier to traverse. The tight turning radius of 28.5” guarantees access to all areas of your house or favorite shopping spots. Taking 90° turns in your house and getting around furniture, the kitchen, up and down ramps, even bathrooms will be easier than ever before. The Ally also boasts an ability to climb inclines up to 9°. This feat is usually reserved for only the strongest powerchairs and scooters. You can get around the tiniest of stores and shops with complete confidence. Finally, there is a Bluetooth feature that allows you to ‘call’ the chair to you from any point in a room. While you are at the party, have a seat and ‘drive’ your chair to a corner of the room to get it out of the way. When you need to get up, ‘call’ the chair back to you and you are ready to go.

Battery Life

The Golden Ally currently comes with a long range 20Ah battery capable of distances up to 14 miles. Distances can vary depending on the weight of the individual, the terrain being traveled, the amount of ON time when the powerchair is not moving, etc. There is a TSA approved 12 Ah battery that goes up to 9 miles. The most important thing to know about batteries is how to care for them. Lithium-ion batteries are not cheap, so you want to get the longest life possible. We have been selling lithium-ion batteries for about 5 years and their performance has been outstanding when properly cared for. Should you order the Ally online, the first thing you want to do is give the battery a 12-hour charge. Afterwards, anytime you use the chair you will give it an overnight charge of at least 5 hours. If you don’t use the chair at all in a week’s period, give it an overnight charge. If you know you have a big trip coming up tomorrow, charge it the night prior. We charge overnight for all power wheelchairs, scooters, lifts, etc. before putting them on the sales floor.

Control Panel

The Control Panel is where you are going to see a dramatic shift from anything you have looked at before. For starters, there is no loud BEEP when it is turned on and off and that is such a lovely feature. Your neighbors at your independent or assisted living community will love you all the more without that horrendous sound all the time. Ally provides a gentle chime when cut on and off. The visual panel shows what gear you are in (1 is the lowest and 5 the highest), percentage of battery remaining and whether the unit is locked or unlocked (more on that later). Showing percentage of battery remaining is a huge leap beyond the analog readings of past powerchairs. The digital display will tell you exactly how much battery you have left.

The GP303 has cruise control. Yes, you read that correctly. Pick your speed, set your direction and with a touch of the joystick off you go! Think of yourself in a mall, or going to the ballgame where there is a half-mile walkway to the park. Now you can turn your cruise control on and leave the driving to Ally. Enjoy face-to-face conversation, enjoy your surroundings and if you have to make an adjustment in your path simply touch the joystick in that direction and continue on. Want to stop? Just move the joystick in the reverse direction and cruise is turned off. Our customers love this new power wheelchair and so do we!

Safety Features

New safety features include a locking mechanism when the chair is folded as well as a remote-control drive lock/unlock feature. Additionally, there is a lock on the joystick until deactivated. Ally includes a safety belt and an attached accessory bag behind the seat. There is a handle atop the seat for pushing the GP303 in a transport or wheelchair-like mode if necessary. Finally, there is a soft touch light switch on the bottom of the armrest to cut on/off the headlamp that is embedded in the arm of the chair. The lock mechanism is a nice addition to the powerchair as it allows you to pick up and load/unload the chair without the worry of having to hold two sections together. The biggest safety innovation though is the remote-control lock/unlock of the drive mechanism. Prior to now, someone had to lean down to the bottom of a power wheelchair in order to change the drive. With the introduction of the Golden Ally GP303 now the user can lock or unlock the drive mechanism from the control panel of the chair. The big benefit there is if the individual is at home and there is an error in the chair or if they simply want to push themselves into a certain position, they can now do that on their own and without getting out of the chair. The biggest safety improvement though is the introduction of the lock mechanism on the joystick. We have always stressed with our customers the importance of the chair being turned off when getting on and getting out of the power wheelchair. Now the joystick is locked, even while still powered, so if the joystick is touched while loading or unloading the chair will not move. Awesome new safety feature. The Golden Ally GP303 is going to be a hot item and you can preorder yours NOW with a downpayment! We have an anticipated ship date from the factory of July 17, 2024. The GP303 comes in white, black, and teal. Call us at 803-926-2224 to order or you can order on our website.

All Golden Prices will increase 3% on June 3, 2024.

Anticipated factory ship date of July 17, 2024.

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